Coca-cola was originally green.

The world's oldest piece of chewing gums is 9000 years old.

It takes about a half a gallon of water to cook macaroni, and about a gallon to clean the pot.

They have square watermelons in Japan. They stack better.

Cream does not weigh as much as milk.

Iceland consumes more Coca-cola per capita than any other nation.

Pilgrims ate popcorn at the first Thanksgiving dinner.

Only food that does not spoil: honey

Cranberries are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them; a fully ripened cranberry can be dribbled like a basketball.

The average ear of corn has eight-hundred kernels arranged in sixteen rows.

A full seven percent of the entire Irish barley crop goes to the production of Guinness beer.

Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously

In Japan meat from the 'Fugu' or spiny puffer fish is considered a rare delicacy, however the liver and intestines contain a powerful neuro-toxin and the slightest contamination during preparation can be deadly. Restaurants who serve fugu must have 'Fugu certified' chefs. In Japan about one hundred people on average die annually from fugu poisoning.

Two-thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in New Jersey.

Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.

Almonds are a member of the peach family.

Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite.

During an average person's life, they will consume about 60,000 pounds of food.

Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.

Did you know that there are coffee flavored PEZ?

The world's largest wine cask is in Heidelberg, Germany.

Hershey's Kisses are called that because the machine that makes them looks like it's kissing the conveyor belt.

The citrus soda 7-UP was created in 1929; "7" was selected because the original containers were 7 ounces. "UP" indicated the direction of the bubbles.

Ketchup was created for use as a drug, not as a condiment.

The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma.

Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

The 57 on the Heinz ketchup bottle represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.

The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.