What Happened Here

In this lesson I learned how to use absolute positioning. With this method you set all critical elements to a fixed zero point and reconfigure the position of the page elements from there.


Chris Coyier did a really good job of explaining how to set floats.”

The book does not do floats much justice in terms of diagramming how to use them, but one really interesting tutorial came along that did. Chris Coyier did an excellent job of explaining how to set floats. The box at right is set as a right float. You can link here if you want to view the tutorial related to this.

Relative positioning is a trickier means of aligning elements on the page. It is geared off of understanding where you are with the division alignments and recognizing that you will be amending your position based upon this. I think the author did a terrible job of explaining this though, and I have to admit I really don't get it yet. I did make an attempt at it myself by trying relative positioning with the left quote marks within the sidebar at the right. I'm not happy with the clunky way I had to go about it, though it looks okay and finally did what I wanted it to do (sort of).